Hill of Fare Wind Farm Proposals

The plans to construct one of the tallest onshore wind farms only four  miles away from Banchory has generated much concern from residents in many communities across the North East of Scotland. (You can see the precise location in the attachment below)

The wind farm would consist of 17 turbines, with a height of 250m. They would be visible from up to 35km away. 

Renewable energy will play a vital role in our future energy mix, but questions have been raised about the suitability of this project given the size of the turbines, and the natural beauty of the Aberdeenshire countryside.

Due to the scale of the wind turbines proposed it’s an imposing prospect, not just for Banchory but for much of the North East. At 820ft it is understood that they will be visible up to nearly 22 miles in all directions as far as the Moray coast, Aberdeen City, and the Mearns.

These turbines would clearly have a detrimental impact on not just the residents that live in the communities surrounding the site, but to the many that visit Aberdeenshire to enjoy the natural beauty of the region.

Considering the significant impact this proposal could bring, it is absolutely crucial that as many communities get their say. An application like this must rest on the wishes of those in the area.

You can read full details about the project here: http://www.hilloffare-windfarm.co.uk/the-project/


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Hill of Fare Location (4.83 MB) 4.83 MB

Hill of Fare Wind Farm

  • Current Hill of Fare Wind Farm Proposal
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