The 2019 General Election was not one any of us wanted. But it was one that the country needed. And in winning a majority at Westminster, the Conservative Party can now move this country forward, delivering on the result of the 2016 referendum in a managed and sensible way, and focussing on the issues and concerns of the British people.
But, it was a hard night for the Scottish Conservatives. As a Party, we lost seven seats; seven brilliant MPs who stood up for their constituencies and fought for our union. I am incredibly sad to see them, close friends and colleagues, go. However, it puts into even starker relief the result in West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine. I recognise in my reduced majority, that many constituents felt they needed to demonstrate their opposition to the direction of the Government. From day one, I have striven to respect not only the result of the European referendum in 2016- but to do so in a way that is managed and sensible. Representing a constituency that voted to remain in the EU, but having stood on a manifesto in 2017 to leave, I had no other option. And I know that for many people, my being returned was not what they wished.
However, it is an immense privilege to have been re-elected. A huge honour to represent my home- this special part of Scotland, in the House of Commons.
I want to thank all of you who put your faith in me to continue to be your voice in Westminster. I have no doubt that at times in the next five years some of you will disagree with some of what I say, or how I vote- but I hope you will recognise that every decision I make will be done with the interests of the people of West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine at its heart.
No matter how you voted, I am your servant and I look forward to working for, and with all of you, over the next Parliament.
I wish you all a very happy and above all, peaceful Christmas.